Before you know it, the Formative 3 exams are already around the corner. if I am not mistaken, it will start on Tuesday, 3rd August 2010. For your revision reference, the following is the topics that will be covered during Formative 3:
Standard 1 Formative 3 2010 revision topics:
1. Bahasa Melayu
a) Topik
1. Kemudahan Awam
2. Sayangi Alam Sekitar
3. Cuaca
4. Kegiatan Masa Lapang
5. Pelancongan
6. Kenderaan
7. Pekerjaan
8. Sayur-sayuran
9. Buah-buahan
b) Tatabahasa
1. Kata Kerja
2. Kata Adjektif
3. Sinonim
4. Antonim
5. Ayat Perintah
6. Perkataan Berimbuhan
7. Simpulan Bahasa
8. Kata Nama Am
9. Kata Nama Khas
2. English
a) Topics
1. Clothings
2. Days of the week
3. Directions
4. Parts of the body
b) Stories
1. Jack and The Bean Stalk
2. The Ginger Bread Man
c) Grammar
1. Conjunctions
2. Prepositions
3. Subject verb agreement
4. Countable and Uncountable Nouns
5. Pronouns
3. Mathematics
1. Numbers to 100
2. Addition Within 18
3. Subtraction Within 18
4. Science
1. Parts of the body
2. Animals
3. Plants
4. Colours
5. Shapes
6. Size
5. Pendidikan Islam
a) Asuhan Tilawah al-Quran
1. Perkataan bertanda syaddah (sabdu)
2. Surah al-Fatihah
b) Ulum Syariah dan Adab Islamiyah
1. Rukun Iman
2. Beriman kepada Allah
3. Pengertian Ibadat dan Jenisnya
4. Biodata Nabi Muhammad
5. Adab Makan dan Minum
c) Jawi
1. Membina suku kata
2. Menyambung huruf jawi
6. Pendidikan Moral
1. Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
2. Kebersihan Fizikal dan Mental
3. Harga Diri
4. Kasih Sayang
5. Baik hati
6. Kerajinan
7. Peka Terhadap Isu-isu Sosial
8. Rukun Negara
7. Bahasa Arab
1. Topik 5 : Aladawatuddirasiyyatu ( Alatan-alatan Sekolah)
2. Topik 6 : Fil Masdrasah ( Di Sekolah)
3. Topik 7 : Usrati ( Keluarga Saya)
8. Bahasa Cina
1. Colour
2. Numbers
3. Family
4. Parts of The Body
5. Things In The Classroom
source: skbd portal
Updated as at: 28 July 2010 : 10:30am
Have fun revising. :)
Aunty Dilla
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