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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Newsletter 002 (9-02-2010)

Dear all,

Here are some updates on the going-ons for 1 Inovatif in the past week and weeks to come:

1. Canvas project:

Childrens' and teacher's handprints on canvas are ready. Photographs taken. Pending photo printing, laminating, mapping it onto the respective handprints and then putting it up on the middle notice board at the back of class. Thank you to Mrika for sponsoring the canvas boards, acrylic paints n stuff, Dilla for the photography and Zurina, Adam, Rozana n Ziezi as crew during the process.

2. Reorganising of furnitures:

We have finally managed to source childrens' bookshelves, cabinets and furnitures to organise the text, activity and exercise books as well as for the reading corner.

The list are as follows:

a. Mini book cases with 9 pigeon holes - 3 pcs

b. Mini book shelves with 3 tiers - 6 pcs

c. Mini book shelf with 3 tiers and doors - 1 pc

d. Mini book shelf with 2 tiers and door - 2pcs

e. Mini table (red) - 1 pc

f. Mini sofa stools (red) - 2 pcs

g. Storage compartments (spider n robot) - 4pcs

h. Storage table & 4 mini stools (courtesy of Ailie)

These are being purchased thru parents' additional contribution specific for the above. Thank you very much to Maria, Mrika, Kassim and Zurina (as of this morning) for your generous offer. ** Other parents who also wish to contribute are most welcome. Just sms me please. Not forgetting the other parents who have been offering their precious time and energy; Adam, Azman, Nazz who assembled the available items, Ailie for surveying and Ziezi for the surveying, purchasing and delivering of the items.

Items c,d,e,f,g and h are already in class. Items a and b will arrive on Thursday (hopefully) and will require assembly. Books will need to also be reorganised then. For this, we will need to get together again. Will update you guys later.

Just for your info, these items shall be with the 1Inovatif 2010 class for the next three (3) years as the group will remain the same.

3. Homework notices:

Due to parents' concern regarding the daily homework, we are now trying to establish a system whereby we will be providing a daily diary / notebook on the teacher's desk (thank you to Lily for the book) and at the end of the day Rozana will take it home. Any homework updates from the respective teachers shall be updated accordingly in the portal and via email by Adam. The next morning, the notebook shall be back on the teacher's desk. We hope this will work out fine.

4. Class Duty Roster

Cikgu Suraya has indicated that she would be grateful if we could organise to make a Duty Roster for the class to be placed on the front notice board. Need a volunteer to lead the project please and do the necessary. We will need to split the class into say 5 groups in charge of 5 work scope such as Sapu, Susun Meja, Susun Buku, Papan Hitam, Tingkap kinda thing to be rotated on a daily basis. Maybe we can make the roster a bit more fun as well by adding a touch of kiddy art perhaps with the kids' involvement. Do propose... :)

That's all for now.

Do write in with your feedback or comments.

Thank you and warm regards,

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