Who Are We?

Who Are We?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Revision Notes for Arab

Hi parents and kids,

Aunty Dilla had prepared the following notes for Khadra to revise her Bahasa Arab. I actually started doing this for PKSR1 exams and we find that it really helped Khadra to memorize the words better.

I don't mind photocopying it in colour should you need a copy. For this particular notes, I have covered Topics 5 till 7. Just ask your mom or dad to email me at dillazag@gmail.com. The cost price for photocopy is RM2.

I hope it helps with your revision. also remember to put the notes away when you are actually sitting for the exams. Treat it just like you would treat a text book. Happy revising!

Aunty Dilla

Schedule for Formative 3 2010

Dear parents and kids,

The schedule for Formative 3 exams are as follows:

Tuesday 3rd August 2010
Bahasa Melayu (Kertas 2) 8.00-9.15 pagi (1 jam 15 minit)
Bahasa Melayu (Kertas 1) 10.10-11.00 pagi (50 minit)
Pendidikan Agama Islam / Pendidikan Moral 11.15-12.15 t.hari (1 jam)

Wednesday 4th August 2010
Matematik 8.00-9.15 pagi (1 jam 15 minit)
Sains 11.00-12.15 t.hari (1 jam 15 minit)

Friday 5th August 2010
Bahasa Inggeris 8.00-9.00 pagi (1 jam)
Bahasa Arab 10.10-11.10 pagi (1 jam)
Bahasa Mandarin 11.20-12.20 t.hari (1 jam)

Good luck, kids!

Aunty Dilla

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Revision List for Formative 3

Hi kids,

Before you know it, the Formative 3 exams are already around the corner. if I am not mistaken, it will start on Tuesday, 3rd August 2010. For your revision reference, the following is the topics that will be covered during Formative 3:

Standard 1 Formative 3 2010 revision topics:

1. Bahasa Melayu
a) Topik
1. Kemudahan Awam
2. Sayangi Alam Sekitar
3. Cuaca
4. Kegiatan Masa Lapang
5. Pelancongan
6. Kenderaan
7. Pekerjaan
8. Sayur-sayuran
9. Buah-buahan

b) Tatabahasa
1. Kata Kerja
2. Kata Adjektif
3. Sinonim
4. Antonim
5. Ayat Perintah
6. Perkataan Berimbuhan
7. Simpulan Bahasa
8. Kata Nama Am
9. Kata Nama Khas

2. English
a) Topics
1. Clothings
2. Days of the week
3. Directions
4. Parts of the body

b) Stories
1. Jack and The Bean Stalk
2. The Ginger Bread Man

c) Grammar
1. Conjunctions
2. Prepositions
3. Subject verb agreement
4. Countable and Uncountable Nouns
5. Pronouns

3. Mathematics
1. Numbers to 100
2. Addition Within 18
3. Subtraction Within 18

4. Science
1. Parts of the body
2. Animals
3. Plants
4. Colours
5. Shapes
6. Size

5. Pendidikan Islam
a) Asuhan Tilawah al-Quran
1. Perkataan bertanda syaddah (sabdu)
2. Surah al-Fatihah

b) Ulum Syariah dan Adab Islamiyah
1. Rukun Iman
2. Beriman kepada Allah
3. Pengertian Ibadat dan Jenisnya
4. Biodata Nabi Muhammad
5. Adab Makan dan Minum

c) Jawi
1. Membina suku kata
2. Menyambung huruf jawi

6. Pendidikan Moral
1. Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
2. Kebersihan Fizikal dan Mental
3. Harga Diri
4. Kasih Sayang
5. Baik hati
6. Kerajinan
7. Peka Terhadap Isu-isu Sosial
8. Rukun Negara

7. Bahasa Arab
1. Topik 5 : Aladawatuddirasiyyatu ( Alatan-alatan Sekolah)
2. Topik 6 : Fil Masdrasah ( Di Sekolah)
3. Topik 7 : Usrati ( Keluarga Saya)

8. Bahasa Cina
1. Colour
2. Numbers
3. Family
4. Parts of The Body
5. Things In The Classroom

source: skbd portal
Updated as at: 28 July 2010 : 10:30am

Have fun revising. :)

Aunty Dilla

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Revision List for PKSR 1

Hi parents and students,

I have compiled the revision list for the upcoming PKSR1 for your information to assist you in your revisions. The subjects have been arranged according to the exam day.


Day 1: Monday, 24th May 2010

1. Kata Ganti Diri
2. Keluarga
3. Kata Kerja
4. Kata sendi

1. Kata Nama Am
2. Kata Adjektif
3. Kata Tanya
4. Kata Seru
5. Ayat Tunggal
7. Kata Hubung

1- Huruf-huruf hijaiyah tunggal
2. baris- baris satu (fathah, kasroh,dhommah)
3. huruf-huruf jawi tunggal
4. ceraikan huruf-huruf jawi
*bacaan iqra' = 60 markah
*ujian bertulis = 40 markah

3.b) MORAL
1. Kepercayaan kepada tuhan
2. Kebersihan fizikal dan mental
3. Harga diri
4. Kerajinan
5. Hemah tinggi
6. Kasih sayang
7. Kesederhanaan
8. Kejujuran
9. Baik hati
10. Berterima kasih
11. Kasih sayang terhadap keluarga
12. Hormat dan taat kepada anggota keluarga
Tanggungjawab terhadap keluarga

Day 2: Tuesday, 25th May 2010

1. Numbers 0-10
2. Addition within 10
3. Subtraction within 10
4. Numbers 11-20

Unit 1 - Ourselves
Unit 2 - Animals
Unit 3 - Plants

Day 3: Wednesday, 26th May 2010

Unit 1 - 5
Topics 1 - Greetings
2 - Friends
3 - Parts of the Body
4 - Places in School
5 - Family

Things in the Classroom
Shapes / Colour / Numbers
Action Words

>Subject - Verb agreement (is, are, has, have)
>Punctuation (capital letters, fullstop)
>Articles (an, a, the)
>Singular Plural Verbs
>Singular Plural Nouns
>Countable and Uncountable Nouns
>Personal Pronouns (I, She, He, We)


Day 4: Thursday, 27th May 2010

1. not krocet dan not minim (nama, lukis, nilai)
2. solfa (so, mi)
3. dinamik (f-kuat, p-lembut)
4. alat-alat genderang
5. lagu SK Bukit Damansara

1. Parts of the Body
2. Greetings
3. Family Members
4. Animals


1. Menggambar
Tajuk: Ikan di dasar lautan
Teknik: Catan
Alatan dan bahan: Warna air/warna pensel/crayon, berus warna, palet.

2. Mencorak dan membuat rekaan

Tajuk: Corak tiupan straw
Teknik: Tiupan straw
Alatan dan bahan: Warna air/warna pensel/crayon, kertas warna, glitter dan peralatan yang bersesuaian.

3. Membentuk dan membuat binaan

Tajuk: Topeng watak kartun
Teknik: Bebas
Alatan dan bahan: Kotak, cupboard, kertas warna, warna air/warna pensel/crayon, kertas warna, glitter, gunting, gam UHU dan peralatan yang bersesuaian.

Have fun preparing and revising,
Aunty Dilla

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

PKSR 1 Timetable

Hi parents and pupils of 1Inovatif,

Sorry for slacking on the updates. Just to get restarted, I'd post the PKSR1 timetable for your reference. The exams will start next week, beginning the 24th of May 2010.


ISNIN 24/5/10
BAHASA MELAYU (KERTAS 2) 8.00-9.15 pagi (1 jam 15 minit)
BAHASA MELAYU (KERTAS 1) 10.10-11.00 pagi (50 minit)
PENDIDIKAN ISLAM/PENDIDIKAN MORAL 11.15-12.15 t.hari (1 jam)

SELASA 25/5/10
MATEMATIK (TAHUN 1 SAHAJA) 8.00-9.15 pagi (1 jam 15 minit)
MATEMATIK (KERTAS 1) 8.00-9.00 pagi (1 jam)
MATEMATIK (KERTAS 2) 10.05-10.45 pagi (40 minit)
SAINS 11.00-12.15 t.hari (1 jam 15 minit)

RABU 26/5/10
BAHASA INGGERIS 8.00-9.00 pagi (1 jam)
BAHASA ARAB 10.10-11.10 pagi (1 jam)
PENDIDIKAN JASMANI 11.20-12.20 t.hari (1 jam)

KHAMIS 27/5/10
PENDIDIKAN MUZIK 8.00-9.00 pagi (1 jam)
BAHASA MANDARIN 9.45-10.45 pagi (1 jam)
PENDIDIKAN SENI 11.00-12.00 t.hari (1 jam)

* Masa balik bagi murid-murid tahap 1 adalah pada pukul 12.25 tghari.
* Kelas Bahasa Cina dan Bahasa Arab dibatalkan sepanjang minggu peperiksaan.
* Kelas Bahasa Tamil berjalan seperti biasa dan tidak diuji untuk PKSR 1.

Good luck, dearests!
Aunty Dilla

Monday, March 1, 2010

Our New Head Prefect!

Hi girls and boys!

Meet your newly elected Ketua Murid, Dania Kamilia.

Dania Kamilia,
SKBD 2010 Ketua Murid

The ballot was carried out on Thursday from 8.30am starting with the teachers, the prefects and the Tahap 2 students.
The results?
Dania won 59% of votes followed by Tan Kian Leong with 28% and Sonia and Amirah at the 3rd and 4th place.

Congratulations, Dania and team!

You can read more at the SKBD portal. (Pictures also from SKBD Portal by pnsheela)

Aunty Dilla

Friday, February 26, 2010

Class Deco Project - Family Tree

Hi again boys and girls,

As you might have noticed, the Family Tree project has been completed and it is potrayed proudly at the 1 Inovatif notice board.

There is a palm print of each and every one of you and in the middle of it all is the 2 palm prints of your class teacher, Puan Suraya.

Thank you for everybody's cooperation and hard work for without it the project would not have been made possible.

What's cool about it is that we would be able to keep these prints throughout the three years that you guys are together too. :)

Aunty Dilla

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kelas TASMI' Al-Quran 2010

Ibu bapa / Penjaga Murid Tahun 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 , 5 dan 6,
Dengan segala hormatnya merujuk kepada perkara di atas.

2. Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa Panitia Pendidikan Islam di bawah program j-QAF akan mengadakan kelas Tasmi’ Al-Quran untuk murid Islam tahun 1 hingga tahun 6. Program ini adalah di bawah program Bahagian Pendidikan Islam, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia kepada semua sekolah program j-QAF. Kelas ini diadakan selepas waktu sekolah dan wajib kepada semua murid beragama Islam. Kelas akan diadakan di bilik j-QAF. Kelas akan bermula pada hari Isnin, 22 Februari 2010.

3. Jadual kelas Tasmi’ adalah seperti ketetapan berikut:
ISNIN: TAHUN 3(1225-1255), TAHUN 6(1255- 1.25)
SELASA: TAHUN 1(1225-1255), TAHUN 4(1255- 1.25)
KHAMIS: TAHUN 2(1225-1255), TAHUN 5(1255- 1.25)

4. Kerjasama daripada pihak Tuan / Puan didahului dengan ucapan terima kasih. Semoga Al-Quran menjadi junjungan.

Sekian, terima kasih.

*Taken from SKBD Portal

Monday, February 15, 2010

Class Deco Project - Duty Roster

Updated on Thursday , 25th February 2010 at 2:00pm

Here's the 1 Inovatif 2010's Duty Roster, duly completed! :)
Thank you to all the students as well as moms and dads involved in this mini project!

*original entry 15 February 2010 at 1:48pm

As requested by Puan Suraya, we have embarked on another class deco project, the 1 Inovatif 2010's Duty Roster. Conceptually, the mushrooms will be the Days of the week, while the butterflies will be the Tasks to be done. To keep it simple, we have decided on two tasks only, namely:
  • Sweeping the floor & Shutting the window
  • Arranging desks & chairs and putting the chairs up on the respective desks
As there are 41 children altogether, the kids will be grouped into groups of 4 or 5 and will be tasked to do one task per week.

These mushrooms and butterflies had been given out to some of the kids for them to paint.

Here's a little sneak preview of the Duty Roster:

Watch this space for the finished product! ;)

Aunty Dilla

Friday, February 12, 2010

Newsletter 003 (12-02-2010)

Dear all,

Our long awaited pigeon holes have finally arrived today. We now have 3 sets of shelving cabinets with 9 compartments each standing pretty at the back of class.

Thank you to Azman (u da man lah), Ailie, Anita, Ziezi n Zurina (bravo ladies) for assembling the items this afternoon. The finished product are well worth the effort n blisters..

Anyway moving forward, I am inviting parents to a sukaneka meeting and class touch up session this Saturday 9am at class. Do indicate availability.

Main agenda would be:
1. Sukaneka plans
2. Organise books arrangement and labelling
3. Art project: Create a duty roster
4. Put up canvas project
5. Other issues
Hope to get another good turnout this time. Looking forward to meet all of u then.

Thank you and warm regards,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Newsletter 002 (9-02-2010)

Dear all,

Here are some updates on the going-ons for 1 Inovatif in the past week and weeks to come:

1. Canvas project:

Childrens' and teacher's handprints on canvas are ready. Photographs taken. Pending photo printing, laminating, mapping it onto the respective handprints and then putting it up on the middle notice board at the back of class. Thank you to Mrika for sponsoring the canvas boards, acrylic paints n stuff, Dilla for the photography and Zurina, Adam, Rozana n Ziezi as crew during the process.

2. Reorganising of furnitures:

We have finally managed to source childrens' bookshelves, cabinets and furnitures to organise the text, activity and exercise books as well as for the reading corner.

The list are as follows:

a. Mini book cases with 9 pigeon holes - 3 pcs

b. Mini book shelves with 3 tiers - 6 pcs

c. Mini book shelf with 3 tiers and doors - 1 pc

d. Mini book shelf with 2 tiers and door - 2pcs

e. Mini table (red) - 1 pc

f. Mini sofa stools (red) - 2 pcs

g. Storage compartments (spider n robot) - 4pcs

h. Storage table & 4 mini stools (courtesy of Ailie)

These are being purchased thru parents' additional contribution specific for the above. Thank you very much to Maria, Mrika, Kassim and Zurina (as of this morning) for your generous offer. ** Other parents who also wish to contribute are most welcome. Just sms me please. Not forgetting the other parents who have been offering their precious time and energy; Adam, Azman, Nazz who assembled the available items, Ailie for surveying and Ziezi for the surveying, purchasing and delivering of the items.

Items c,d,e,f,g and h are already in class. Items a and b will arrive on Thursday (hopefully) and will require assembly. Books will need to also be reorganised then. For this, we will need to get together again. Will update you guys later.

Just for your info, these items shall be with the 1Inovatif 2010 class for the next three (3) years as the group will remain the same.

3. Homework notices:

Due to parents' concern regarding the daily homework, we are now trying to establish a system whereby we will be providing a daily diary / notebook on the teacher's desk (thank you to Lily for the book) and at the end of the day Rozana will take it home. Any homework updates from the respective teachers shall be updated accordingly in the portal and via email by Adam. The next morning, the notebook shall be back on the teacher's desk. We hope this will work out fine.

4. Class Duty Roster

Cikgu Suraya has indicated that she would be grateful if we could organise to make a Duty Roster for the class to be placed on the front notice board. Need a volunteer to lead the project please and do the necessary. We will need to split the class into say 5 groups in charge of 5 work scope such as Sapu, Susun Meja, Susun Buku, Papan Hitam, Tingkap kinda thing to be rotated on a daily basis. Maybe we can make the roster a bit more fun as well by adding a touch of kiddy art perhaps with the kids' involvement. Do propose... :)

That's all for now.

Do write in with your feedback or comments.

Thank you and warm regards,

Saturday, February 6, 2010

For Information : Takwim SKBD 2010

Dear Parents,

Attached here is the newly updated SKBD Takwim 2010.
Please note this is subject to change.

Please save it for future reference.




Tuesday, February 2, 2010

For Information: SKBD Recycling January Results

Dear 1 Inovatif Planet Protectors,


We secured the 2nd (second) placing for Tahap 1 category with a whopping collection of 568.8kgs. This is SUPERB for a first timer in the first session. Leading in front is 1 Bestari with 949.6kgs and trailing closely behind us is 2 Kreatif with 431.4kgs.

Keep up the good work and again, 2 thumbs up to all for the great great effort. Look out for the next collection date and start compiling your items from now. We shall keep you posted :)

Warm regards,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

News Flash : Malaysia's Top 20 schools named

Malaysia's Top 20 schools named


PUTRAJAYA: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today announced that 20 schools - 14 secondary and six primary - had been accorded the status of high performance schools (SBTs).
Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said of the 14 secondary schools, 10 were fully residential schools and the rest day schools.

"These schools were chosen from among schools that showed outstanding performance in the field of academia, co-curriculum and niche areas.

"The schools will be guided and monitored closely to ensure they continue to attain even higher levels of performance," he told reporters at his office here today.

The 10 fully residential schools are Sekolah Tun Fatimah (Johor Bahru), Sekolah Dato' Abdul Razak (Seremban), Malay College Kuala Kangsar, Sekolah Seri Puteri (Cyberjaya), Sekolah Menengah Sultan Abdul Halim (Jitra), Kolej Tunku Kurshiah (Seremban), Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah (Klang), Sekolah Menengah Sains (SMS) Tuanku Syed Putra (Perlis), Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah (Putrajaya) and SMS Muzaffar Syah (Melaka).

The four day schools are Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) (P) Sri Aman(Petaling Jaya), SMK Aminuddin Baki (Kuala Lumpur), SMK Sultanah Asma (Alor Setar) and SMK (P) St. George (Penang).

The six primary schools are Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Seri Bintang Utara (KL),SK Taman Tun Dr Ismail 1 (KL), SK Bukit Damansara (KL), SK Zainab (2) (Kota Bharu), SK Convent Kota (Taiping), SK Bandar Baru Uda 2 (Johor Bahru).

At the same time, Muhyiddin stressed that SBTs were not elite schools which benefited only a limited number of students.

Instead, he said each school in the country had the same opportunity and a level playing field to be recognised as SBTs.

"Any school that meets the targets of excellence and criteria set (by the Education Ministry) will be recognised as a SBTs and get the same privileges," he said.

Muhyiddin said the ministry targeted to have 30 SBTs by next year and 50 in 2012.

He said the rationale in having SBTs was to raise the quality of the best schools in the country to be world class, produce outstanding students and narrow the gap between schools within the system.

He said SBTs would be given additional autonomy to pursue innovation in school management and raise the productivity of students.

As for curriculum, he said, it would be flexible in terms of teaching and learning as well as syllabi for compulsory and elective subjects, conforming to public examinations and use of the national language as the medium of instruction or multiple languages.

Beside these, Muhyiddin said the schools concerned were also given leeway in fixing the minimum periods for subjects, extending schooling hours and allowing students to complete their studies a year earlier, just like the express promotion system that was introduced previously.

In terms of budget ownership, he said a lump sum grant would be channelled to the schools at the beginning of each year and that they would have the full flexibility to spend as needed and were exempted from the ministry's centralised procurement system.

"Every school has its own budget, but with this status, they will be given additional funds and they can use the money as needed," he said, adding that the grant might be less than RM1 million but had not been fixed yet as this depended on the size of the SBT.

He also said management of staff at these schools would be based on meritocracy and not seniority, besides flexibility given for the paying of overtime and performance incentives.

"There will also be flexibility to re-assign under performing staff and delegation of functions based on academic and non-academic reasons," he said.

Muhyiddin said the SBTs would be appraised yearly based on their annual reports with the appropriate performance indicators and inspections by the ministry's officers in accordance to the revised Malaysian Education Quality Standard.

In relation to this, he said the SBTs would have to fullfil six criterias - attain academic excellence, produce outstanding students, win awards at the national and international level, community work and networking with other schools and higher learning institutions, both locally and internationally.

One of the roles the SBTs would have to play was having their teachers to act as mentors to teachers in other schools through the "immersion" programme involving principals, headmasters and teachers, he said.

Towards maintaing their status as SBTs, he said their strategic plans, management structure, academic and co-curriculum programmes should serve as benchmarks for other schools, locally and abroad.

Muhyiddin said that schools in rural areas could also be selected as SBTs if they fullfilled the criterias set.

"I know not all the 10,000 schools (in the country) can reach this status, but irrespective of whether they are urban or rural schools, they stand an equal chance to be accorded SBT status.

"But if the (rural) schools are constrained because they do not have the same facilities as their urban counterparts, we will speed up action to narrow the gap," he said.




Monday, January 25, 2010

We Need You You and You To Complete This Project!

*Notice: This is a sticky post. This entry will be up here until Tuesday, 26th January 2010. Please scroll down for latest posts.*

Hey kids!
Remember the special art project we did during "Sekolah Ganti" last Saturday. Here's an artist's impression of what would be hanging at the centre of our bulletin board not too long from now.

As you can see, we are still missing about 12 of you from the project. As such, we will be scheduling another round of photography and palm printing this Tuesday at school during school hours. So there is no need to arrange for anything extra or out-of-the ordinary. Just make sure you come to school, okay?

The people involved in the session are:
1. Arief bin Tajol Azman
2. Durga a/p Selvadurai
3. Ezra Arvind Eswaran
4. Farhan Nadzir Qeizra
5. Mikhael Azril
6. Muhammad Faiz Pirdaus
7. Nur A'liyah Maisarah Nordin
8. Raja Ayman Zarif Raja Azlan Shah
9. Rashdina Ayeesha Ramli
10. Syed Danish Arief
11. Vincent a/l Lurd Suami
12. Sam Vishal

Also, we will also reshoot any of you who were wearing the PJK outfit last Saturday. Just so that we have a standardized look for everyone.

See you guys then! :)

Aunty Dilla

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Class Deco Project - Phase 2

The second installment of gotong-royong was carried out by 1 Inovatif parents on Saturday, 23rd January 2010.

Let's first look at the results!

The partly completed 1 Inovatif 2010 Family Tree Project

The newly decorated 1 Inovatif
1. Teacher's table wrapped in creme top and manually-pleated red skirting
2. Curtain valence hung
3. The new reading corner
4. The mural sticker for the reading corner

We had the photography and palm print sessions in the morning to prepare for our 1Inovatif Family Tree. Special thanks to Aunty Mrika, Aunty Rozana, Aunty Zurina, Uncle Adam, Aunty Dilla and Aunty Ziezi for being part of the morning volunteers.

You can see your friends and the volunteer moms and dads in action below:

Later in the evening, more parents came in to help out. As detailed out by Aunty Ziezi in the school portal, the day's scope included:
1. taking off posters and backings from notice boards
2. putting up new backings
3. putting up new posters, notices, deco etc
4. putting up curtain valence
5. fixing teacher's table cover and skirting
6. (re)arranging books
7. setting up mini library and reading corner
8. books collection drive

Enjoy the pictures!

Aunty Dilla

Saturday, January 23, 2010

For Information : 1 Inovatif 2010 Timetable

Class Timetable for your reference and information.

Aunty Dilla

Friday, January 22, 2010

Class Deco Project - Phase 1

Hey there children (and parents)!

Have you enjoyed the new coats of paint in your classroom? Remember it was yellow before and now there are red walls at the back of the classroom and the sides are painted with dark grey.

We should all say thank you to your teacher, Puan Sueraya; your moms and dad(s) for their hardwork last weekend. Oh, and a special mention for your classmate Aleyya who helped us clean the grills and paint as well. Want to see them in action?

Wait for us tomorrow during the 'Sekolah Ganti' as we have a special art project surprise that would need your participation. Right after that moms and dads would be working hard on the Bulletin Board project. Prepare to be wowed yet again! :)

Aunty Dilla (Khadra's mom)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Newsletter 001 (21-01-2010)

1) There will be no Ujian Formatif 1 for Std 1. Internal test for Std 1 will only start from Ujian Formatif 2 (Tentatively April 2010) followed by PKSR 1 (May/June) Formatif 3, Formatif 4 and PKSR 2.

2) Baju PJ/PE to be worn every Monday and Thursday starting next week.

3) Please wear PJK this Friday 22/1

4) Class time table given to our kids 2 days ago. Please check.

5) Subject teachers :
BM + Math + Seni - Puan Suraya
English - Cik Hasni
Science + PJK - En Razi
Agama - Puan Siti Fatimah & Puan Haslinda
Moral - Mrs Tay

Please take a note that :
Sekolah Ganti this Saturday 23/1 (m/up for CNY 2010) and will follow Thursday time table.

Adam (Aleyya's dad)

Credit to Puan Fara (Farhan's mom) :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who Are We?

Introducing our little ones, according to the class list, matched to the parent(s) (mom and/or dad) based on the info we already gathered from all of you through our 1inovatif2010 email.

1. Adam Alif Bin Fakrul Nezam (Fakrul Nezam & Rafizah)
2. Adam Iskandar bin Azman
3. Afrina Binti Shuhaimi
4. Ahmed Fariz bin Azim
5. Arief bin Hafizi (Helena)
6. Arief bin Tajol Azman
7. Arjunnvir Singh Parmar (Gordev Singh & Sukhbir Kaur)
8. Armaan Singh (Anita)
9. Athirah Raihana
10. Claire Ng Kim Yuen (Lim Szu Ling)
11. Danielle Adri (Adri Aris & Margaret)
12. Durga a/p Selvadurai (Selvadurai & Usha)
13. Eldrian Tho Jiat Yang (Irene)
14. Elijah Mokhtar Philips (Julian & Delani)
15. Ellya Keesha Zarif (Zurina)
16. Ezra Arvind Eswaran (Grace)
17. Farhan Nadzir Qeizra
18. Hani Batrisyia Mohammad Rizal
19. Haron Hussman (Ramona Haliza)
20. Irsyad Sidqi Saifuddin
21. Keenan Goh Qing Wei (Kevin & Linda)
22. Khadra Mohd Azrul (Azrul & Dilla)
23. Mikhael Azril (Azril & Maria)
24. Mohamad Najeef Mohd Yusof (Yusof & Aza)
25. Muhammad Faiz Pirdaus
26. Muhammad Johan Eidham Zuriman
27. Muhammad Zarif Izmet Iskandar (Izmet & Mrika)
28. Nelysa Khadija Mohamed Nazrin (Nazz & Ziezi)
29. Nur Aleyya Adam Malek (Adam & Rozana)
30. Nur A'liyah Maisarah Nordin
31. Nur Jannah Ameera Zolkepeli (Nazratul Akhtar)
32. Raja Ayman Zarif Raja Azlan Shah
33. Rashdina Ayeesha Ramli
34. Sam Vishal
35. Sean Eric Soon Chern Ann
36. Shahirah Husna Shahrul Nizar (Suria Fazlin)
37. Syed Danish Arief
38. Tricia Sonia Prakash
39. Vincent a/l Lurd Suami
40. Wan Aliaa Wan Ahmad Syatibi (Wan Ahmad Syatibi & Wan Sakinah)
41. Zara Raissa Kassim

last updated:1 1:41am Saturday, 23 January 2010

Please tell me if I missed anyone. You could use the comment box below for non-sensitive information.

For those who have yet to submit the info, please include the following info in your e-mail to 1inovatif2010@gmail.com:
Name of child:
Name of parents:
Tel no :
email address:

Monday, January 18, 2010


Welcome to the new home of 1 Inovatif 2010.

Of course, this space is still a Work-In-Progress but the idea is to share our ideas and inspirations for the our kids in a place we could call our own. By using up this space even more, we could clear the 2010 Class Homework and Discussion forum for notices related to the class like "Bring your toothbrush, glue and scissors tomorrow" as opposed to what colour should we paint the walls. :)

For starters, since this is an open forum please be mindful of your comments as others would be able to see them. *Shhh on our secrets!* As and when deemed necessary, we will close the forum to invited readers only and at that point you will be able to pitch in your ideas, concepts and illustrations for our winning combination!

Dilla (Khadra's mom)